Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Check In!

Ok so this is week 2 in telling the world my stats...still a bit sad I let myself go from a size 3, flat chested highschooler to an out of shape mom. But I will have that solved no later than summer time. I am determined.

I have been cutting back since before the holidays but did not become strict with myself till Jan 1. So today officially marks 21 days on this healthy trip I am on. They always say it takes 17 to 20 days to create a habit and I can agree.

I went to the new WallyWorld. It is amazing. Big and Clean, still does not compare to the ones in the states but only because I miss a bit of the goodies from there. I met the manager. He was moved up here from Florida and boy is he getting a rude awakening on Florida weather to Canada. He is a bloody trip. He heard me talking and came over to say hello. He knew my accent- is that not sad? I met the frozen food workers that were on shift. One of them is a huge flirt and took to Chasen. It is amazing how I can speak and I hear ‘Your not Canadian are you’. But it was funny because someone would walk by and you would hear someone say ‘Come listen to her talk’. Who would know redneck language would be famous up here. Was just funny.

But back to the weekly check in and that creating a habit. It must be true as I bypassed all the crappy, bad for you, processed dried foods in a box and hit only the fresh stuff and frozen. I did not think twice about it. So it is getting easier.

Last week I walked my butt off! Lisa and Siobhan have been great listeners and supporters. But I even managed to go the weekend by myself. I am just used to it now. I am actually enjoying it. I put in my earphones and walk till I am ready to call it quits. I have a minimum goal but anything after that is a bonus. I am pleased to say it is my new me time. I bought a monthly membership yday and I go about 5-6 times a week. Loving it!

So yday was my biggest accomplishment on the track. I walked 8.16 km. For us USA peeps that is 5 miles and about 120 yards. I was so pleased. I did it in about an hour and 15 mins. I have to increase the steps or take up jogging to do it better in a shorter time frame. Eventually I want to jog it all but my knee and body is not ready yet.

The weigh in today is as follows: Wgt 178, I lost 4 bloody pounds last week!!! Inches did not drop as much as before and the last measurement was over a 2 week span. But walking builds a little muscle too. But I did loose just a tad. Nothing off my hips for the week but I did loose an inch and half off my tummy. I am pleased!!!

This weeks goals are to add some resistance to my work out. I bought some bands to do that with. I am taking it one week at a time and one pound at a time.

Ok, well I am off to down some water and play with my babies before doing the bands I bought. Tonight is walking again and I am ready to go now.

If you read this, thank you - this helps keep me honest and true to myself as well as on track for my end goal. I want to be under 30 pounds to loose by end of the week.

As always, I dont proof read and I type with the sounds and tugs of 2 kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay 4 more pounds!

Just before I got married in 1999, my mom and I took a trip up to Niagara Falls. We went through Cleveland and Erie and into Niagara Falls, and we stayed on the Canadian side over night. Everywhere I went I got the "where are you from?" and "Hey, you guys have to come listen to her accent!" and "you are SO cute!".

The southern accent is apparently very interesting.