Friday, February 15, 2008


Thank God it is Friday - do we all agree????

Figured I would update this blog. I so suck at it. I find I blog alot more and do things on my facebook account as it is a little more private. But lets see if I can catch up here some too.

I am down to 172 pounds on my Weight Loss. That makes 22 pounds gone and 27 more to go to reach my first goal. Then I will see how I feel and look.

I just had one of the worst weekends of my life. I realized how much I love food. I had to prep for an Endo and a Colonoscopy. My body is in a huge funk lately and they do not know what it is. They have noticed for some reason I can not get my iron up in the normal range. This is even with eating right and on perscription Iron. But I am allergic to one of the combined chemicals in the prep drink. So lucky for me I did not have to gag on that nasty stuff everyone warned me of. But I did have to spend the entire weekend on 3 meals of jello or chicken broth each day. Now add too many laxitives for the clear liquid intake. The topper, toss ontop of that PMS. So come Monday at 1 when they were about to put me to sleep I was one PMSing, angry, sleepy, starving bitch lol.

I guess even under the 'candy' as my dr called the sleeping IV drug, I have a sick sense of humor. The nurses told me afterwards I made the room laugh and told DH what I said. I evidently told my friend who had the kids for us the same thing. I dont remember anything from Monday afternoon till around 6 pm. But there was a student dr in there. Anyone who chooses to be a butt dr is in the right business cause Colon Cancer is on the rise but why..why ..why choose this profession. It can not be pretty. Evidently he introduced himself to me after they gave me the candy and I was in 'High as a Kite Land' and when he asked if I objected to him being there I had my own smart ass reply. I count this one up for waiting till I was drugged to even ask permission. How rude is that? hehe but I told him in what the nurse said was a sweet voice (I assume on the edge of sleep) ":Sure if you get your rocks off looking at my ass then go right ahead" Yep, does that not just scream me? I did not see him again. But I am sure he saw more of me then I cared to.

Kids, they are doing great. Chasen is babbling, knows his ABC and Numbers, animals etc... Man is this so different than what Alex was. At two Alex was non verbal but knew things and was bright. But this verbal puts a new spin on things. Alex is into Space now. He can recite you anything and everything to do with the stars, planets, sun and moon. OMG this kid, he is 5 and above my level. How sad is that. So his room has hanging stars in it and DH bought him a mechanical spinning solar system that is along the stars. This kid amazes me. He is still bloody obsessed with trains of all kinds and just assume ride the go all day. Which on bad days we have done just so I can escape the meltdowns. But this new science kick is amazing to me. He is reading now and into math. He has now decided he wants to tackle small times-tables. He has some of them down. If he learns like he did with addition and subtraction then this kid will be a whiz. He remembers everything.

Move home, were still working on it. We so want to go home. Canada is cool as heck but not home and we feel as if we could do better. Ontario will not account him for his Autism. He is not a Canada Citizen and were on sponsored Visa's for 3 more years. So no resources for him. We pay out of pocket for the one we have but atleast they would take him. We are being picky about the relocation as were not in a major bind to find a job. I pray something opens up soon.

Well my amazing friends I need to clean up the breakfast dishes. We had a PA day today so no school and no resources. Lazy PJ day today. And Monday is the new Family Day Holiday...4 day weekend for us.

Hugs and be good to those you love.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Check In!

Ok so this is week 2 in telling the world my stats...still a bit sad I let myself go from a size 3, flat chested highschooler to an out of shape mom. But I will have that solved no later than summer time. I am determined.

I have been cutting back since before the holidays but did not become strict with myself till Jan 1. So today officially marks 21 days on this healthy trip I am on. They always say it takes 17 to 20 days to create a habit and I can agree.

I went to the new WallyWorld. It is amazing. Big and Clean, still does not compare to the ones in the states but only because I miss a bit of the goodies from there. I met the manager. He was moved up here from Florida and boy is he getting a rude awakening on Florida weather to Canada. He is a bloody trip. He heard me talking and came over to say hello. He knew my accent- is that not sad? I met the frozen food workers that were on shift. One of them is a huge flirt and took to Chasen. It is amazing how I can speak and I hear ‘Your not Canadian are you’. But it was funny because someone would walk by and you would hear someone say ‘Come listen to her talk’. Who would know redneck language would be famous up here. Was just funny.

But back to the weekly check in and that creating a habit. It must be true as I bypassed all the crappy, bad for you, processed dried foods in a box and hit only the fresh stuff and frozen. I did not think twice about it. So it is getting easier.

Last week I walked my butt off! Lisa and Siobhan have been great listeners and supporters. But I even managed to go the weekend by myself. I am just used to it now. I am actually enjoying it. I put in my earphones and walk till I am ready to call it quits. I have a minimum goal but anything after that is a bonus. I am pleased to say it is my new me time. I bought a monthly membership yday and I go about 5-6 times a week. Loving it!

So yday was my biggest accomplishment on the track. I walked 8.16 km. For us USA peeps that is 5 miles and about 120 yards. I was so pleased. I did it in about an hour and 15 mins. I have to increase the steps or take up jogging to do it better in a shorter time frame. Eventually I want to jog it all but my knee and body is not ready yet.

The weigh in today is as follows: Wgt 178, I lost 4 bloody pounds last week!!! Inches did not drop as much as before and the last measurement was over a 2 week span. But walking builds a little muscle too. But I did loose just a tad. Nothing off my hips for the week but I did loose an inch and half off my tummy. I am pleased!!!

This weeks goals are to add some resistance to my work out. I bought some bands to do that with. I am taking it one week at a time and one pound at a time.

Ok, well I am off to down some water and play with my babies before doing the bands I bought. Tonight is walking again and I am ready to go now.

If you read this, thank you - this helps keep me honest and true to myself as well as on track for my end goal. I want to be under 30 pounds to loose by end of the week.

As always, I dont proof read and I type with the sounds and tugs of 2 kids!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 inches!

So you ask what is 5 inches, its how much I have lost! I began to cut back in Dec but the holidays really did me in. Truth be known I was homesick and missed seeing loved ones at Christmas. Chasen had a good birthday with just daddy and I but I swear if we ever get near family and friends my boys will have the birthday parties all the other kids get to have. These are regrets I have and they are mounting.

But Jan 1st was my get up and do it day. The time is now and I have got to loose the flab. I found out a good weight and how those calories, carbs and fat counts should be on a daily basis and I have done it. I only had one night that I splurged on a treat but even then I did not eat it all.

I just now got a scale as I was using a measuring tape. Since Saturday I have lost another pound. I know my scale reads 11 pounds less then the drs did in Dec. But truth be known I dont know since all scales are different. But in the 14 days or so I have lost 2 inches off my hips and 3 off my tummy.

My routine is slow going as I did not want to over do it and become another quiter. I refused to pay money to a company to loose weight. Were saving to move. I did not want to do something like the atkins etc and just limit my whole body of needs. So I am balancing more of my foods. I eat with in my intake allowed. Mostly I do special k for breakfast, a decent low cal lunch, 0 fat yogurts and even some of those tasty Weight Watchers treats you can buy for weeks like this (PMS). Hey a girl has her needs lol. I wanted to do the hard part now and that is teaching myself what to eat and not to eat so when the weight is gone I will be used to it. I do know it will be slow, but I will do it.

I am walking 2 miles a day when the track is open to the public and DH is home for the kids. I am abusing the boxing game on the Wii, that will get your heart pumping and a huge sweat. Im drinking the 8 glasses and moving more inbetween workouts I do at home. No food in front of the tv or after dinner. I will do this!!!

I am going this weekend to buy a few cheap pairs of pants to work out in. I measure and weigh in on Mondays and my fingers are crossed!!!!!

Ok, I just wanted to brag!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Feeling Good

I really can not recall the last time I had a great week. I mean it is all good with your kids but this has been the perfect week for us. I could be better but I am thankful for where I am at.
Chasen has managed all week long now to pretty much sleep the night through. 7:30 is bedtime for both boys and on full time school days its up at 6:30. Other mornings are 7ish or when ever they wake and weekends are the same. I can not complain. The only night we had an issue was the night the winds were clocking high in speed. Chasen has a tree outside his window and the wind kept the limbs hitting it.

My kids are such gems. They are beginning to eat better along with me. More fruits and veggies. Of course I was never one to toss crap together for them every night. If I was not in the mood to cook they still get pancakes or waffles and they love when I put blueberries in it.
Alex had a great transition back into school after the holiday break - good notes every day and even a call from his school on Thursday to praise him. That is my boy!!!!

Chasen is learning that fits are normal for a 2 yr old and its ok if mommy does not give in - tough love! He has been demanding as ever but he is two so he has an excuse lol.

We had Exceptional Resources for Children out the other night. They were really helpful and found ways to help us when other places would not. With in 2 days we had a grant for respite care. 6 hours a week at 18 bucks an hour is not bad. I pick who sits for me and how I do the 6 hours and they make the money. Dennis and I will be back to basics soon on us because we will use most of the time to just be adults. I am so thrilled there.

Dennis is big in the job search and even has his bosses helping him. In the mean time they are trying to come up with an expense plan for us so we can get speech and other resources that Ontario denies us because of Alex not being born here. If it happens we will be able to pay out of pocket on the spot for any need he has and best thing is the money is on top of his pay. They have really stepped up and are trying to help us.

This marks 11 days on my diet. I did not go with a plan to sink $ into. I am counting calories, fat, carbs and more and I am on a strict reduction. I measure again on Monday as I do not have a scale which is prob good. I am the type if I see no improvement I may give up. But as of this past week I lost an inch! Looking forward to Monday to measure again.

I have not had any major challenges yet. I had a piece of cake at a party but worked it off on Sunday and cut the cals to make up for it. Dinner out tonight and pizza tomorrow night but I will do fine. I have been so good today that I can eat ok tonight, just nothing fried and high in carbs. Tomorrow I will eat protein all day as I know pizza is coming. I will do fine as now I am really quite used to this.

I know this is also the first week I have not had a headache and my PMS is not bad either. I cut out alot of junk and sugars and taken better care of myself so I know I am benefitting from this.
Slow and easy and eat right is my goal, so far I am doing good with it and its limits and I do hope to continue. Promise me if I fall off the bandwagon you handslap me ok!!

Alrighty I must run and do some things in the house. Everyone have a great weekend, I know I am :) Excuse any typos as honestly you get what I mean.